5/7〜5/31の期間はオンライン店舗休業の為、商品発送は6/1以降となりますので予めご了承ください。 Our online store will close from May 7 to 31. Any orders during this period will be shipped after June 1.

玉締め圧搾一番搾り 純正 ごま油 Traditional Japanese Sesame Oil

玉締め圧搾一番搾り 純正 ごま油 Traditional Japanese Sesame Oil

通常価格 ¥975
単価  あたり 
税込 配送料は購入手続き時に計算されます。




This is ichiban shibori, first pressing, a pure, golden sesame oil of extraordinary lightness and exceptional flavor. With its mouth-watering aroma and rich, nutty flavor, this roasted sesame oil is prized as a seasoning agent as well as a cooking oil. It gives a distinctive character to many Asian favorites.

Country of Origin 原産国: 福島県(会津若松) Fukushima, Japan 
Ingredients 原材料: 食用ごま油 Sesame Oil 

こちらの商品はガラス容器を使うワレモノとなりますので、クリックポスト、レターパック配送はご利用いただけません。This item is fragile, which does not allow to use ¥250 "Click Post" and ¥520 "Letter Pack" shipping option.